Beehive News hereby presents the top publications of 2024, ranked through our comprehensive evaluation system.
Before diving into the results, here’s a brief explanation of who we are, our methodology, and the rigorous criteria that underpin our ratings. By focusing on professional rigor and journalistic excellence, Beehive News champions high-quality journalism while identifying and exposing potentially misleading content.
Beehive News aggregates and assesses over 1 thousand daily news articles in real time, from 13 publications in the UK and the world. Through those in-depth assessments, focused on professional rigour and excellence, Beehive News directly promotes high quality journalism and exposes potentially misleading content. The results represent the averages of over 545 thousand news articles assessed in 2024.
Our proprietary algorithms are planned and coded in such manner that the article’s content (e.g. what the viewpoints are) is less relevant than the article’s approach (e.g. whether it presents opposing viewpoints). This ensures the results are logical – almost mathematical – and free from the influence of potential personal or political biases
The results below are based on three categories: bias & fact-base, completeness, and quality of writing. Each of those categories includes a long list of criteria. Under bias & fact-base, for example, we look at whether articles gather evidence from appropriate primary sources, use that evidence to build logical reasoning, sufficiently establish causality, present different sides and viewpoints and avoid an emotionally charged tone.
The results below represent the average scores of all news articles published by these publications and assessed by Beehive News. They therefore reflect the likelihood of these publications to produce rigorously crafted information, but do not necessarily represent the quality of all their work. Individually, each publication produced articles that scored very highly as well as articles that scored poorly.
The Top Publications of 2024
Position | Score | Publication | Performance |
1 | 6.87 | Sixth Tone | Good |
2 | 6.31 | Reuters | Good |
3 | 6.24 | BBC | Good |
4 | 6.21 | The OxStu (University of Oxford) | Good |
5 | 6.16 | Bath Time (University of Bath) | Average |
6 | 6.15 | Sky News | Average |
7 | 6.14 | The Guardian | Average |
8 | 6.12 | Haaretz | Average |
9 | 6.11 | Al Jazeera | Average |
10 | 6.01 | The Independent | Average |
11 | 5.92 | The Hindu | Subpar |
12 | 5.76 | Perspectives (Univ. of Warwick) | Subpar |
13 | 5.21 | Daily Mail | Subpar |
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