Beehive’s Tree Planting Initiative

Cultivating a Regenerative Mindset // In an age where misinformation proliferates and digital landscapes often feel cluttered with discord and polarisation, Beehive hopes to stand for integrity and community. Beyond merely combating misinformation, Beehive embraces a regenerative mindset that seeks to sow seeds of positive change, both online and offline. At Beehive News, every complete […]

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Press Freedom Around the World

Deeply intertwined with the quality and stability of democracies, press freedom is on the long list of factors we take into account when assessing which information to trust, especially when it comes to sources of information (see Who Owns the Truth).   When there is freedom in the press, journalists have the power to defend

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Who owns the truth?

Five legal principles that will help you determine whether you can trust a source // Newspapers are where most of us get information from, but they are usually not the original source of that information. Other people and institutions are typically the ones who observe facts and develop theories, which then get distilled and passed

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Why Newspapers Lie

The 7 main reasons why the media might lie to us Newspapers can indeed publish misinformation, and for a number of different reasons. They may sometimes misguide because they are negligent with the information they reproduce, not verifying it properly, because their journalists and editors share an unconscious bias that leads them to wrong assumptions,

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The Beehive Encyclopaedia: Complexity

Complexity comes the Latin word Complecti, meaning “with” (Com-) “intertwining”, “braiding” or “weaving” (-plecti). It therefore refers to the state of being intricate, composed of interconnected parts. It implies a condition where multiple elements or factors are involved, and therefore where understanding, analysing, and predicting the outcome of such condition can only be done by

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Is Fake News Really Fake?

Real-life examples of misinformation tactics that use the truth to mislead // Is ‘fake news’ really fake? To cut it short: Sometimes. But the most dangerous news stories aren’t, they are actually a selection of true facts that lead you to a conclusion which you would not make had you known the whole picture. It’s

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The Beehive Encyclopaedia: Media

Media is the group of platforms and tools used to store and deliver information and data, especially the news. As such, it plays a significant role in shaping public opinion, influencing social and cultural norms, and facilitating the exchange of ideas and information in society. The media encompasses a wide range of formats, including print

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